You've decided now is the time

to get to the bottom of why you feel so out of control with food

to find a different way towards healing from bingeing & yoyo-dieting

to release the burden of overeating so you can live the life you choose

Get started today with this FREE Guide

8 Unexpected Strategies to Change Your Eating

Learn the unexpected strategies you need to STOP overeating or bingeing and START enjoying food (and life) to the max.

Access private sessions

1:1 coaching will show you how to:

  • release the pull of bingeing, overeating or relying on dieting to "undo the damage"
  • navigate obstacles and challenges in real time
  • uncover an approach that fits with you and your life
  • map your progress to recognise and consolidate success
  • establish personalised support practices
  • discover peace and ease around eating


Get in touch to arrange a FREE Introductory Session

It's an opportunity to explore your  goals and describe how you're  struggling.
Ask me anything that's on your mind.
Get a feel for coaching and whether it might be right for you—zero pressure, guaranteed!

If it feels like a good fit, you can book more regular sessions.
Each 50-60 minute session is £45.

We live in a culture of plenty

Yet we're surrounded by suffering, struggle and shame.

Our pain is reflected back at us by a weight loss and weight management industry with an estimated value of over $245 billion.*

Maybe you've spent far too much time and money on food to binge on or trying to find ways to stop.

For me, it was almost 30 years and thousands of £££s ...

If you want to break free once and for all, YoYo Freedom is here for you.

* PR NEWSWIRE 2019, Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Market Worth $245.51 Billion by 2022 - Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets, viewed 7 April 2020, here

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