Here's how it helps with binge eating

(& so much more)

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Everyone's talking about it! Glennon Doyle, Dr Rangan Chatterjee, Tim Ferriss, Martha Beck ... the list goes on.

And they're talking about it with passionโ€”because it's transformed their lives in unexpected and unprecedented ways.

IFS offers a groundbreaking way to release inner hurt and conflict so you can show up in the world as your authentic self, on your terms.

What exactly is IFS?

If you've ever felt any kind of inner conflict, you'll be familiar with the idea of having different perspectives making up your personal experience.

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

Part of me knows I'll feel great and do myself a lot of good by going for a run. But another part of me wants to lie on the sofa and eat cake.

Part of me is driving hard to power through my to-do list.ย But another part of me thinks, "F*** it, what's the point? Let's live a little!"

Part of me believes it'll be good to go to theย party and be sociable.ย But another part of me gets so anxious that I need a couple of drinks before I go.

If those phrases resonate at all, you already have an intuitive understanding of parts.ย We all have many parts inside. Those differing inner-voices and opinions are completely normal.

IFS recognises the many different parts within each of us.

A structured, scientifically grounded way to ease binge eating

Understanding why different parts within do what they do allows their needs to be met in a different way.


A part that used to want to binge no longer needs to turn to food in an attempt to soothe or avoid an emotional wound.


In turn, neural pathways in the brain are reprogrammed so events or feelings are much less triggering.

How IFS can help you

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Sometimes, overeating or binge eating can feel automaticโ€”as if it happens without conscious choice or control.

But something is always driving the eatingโ€”a belief, a feeling, a longing, a need or an attempt to avoid pain.

In other words, a part of you wants or needs to eat because it can't see another way to cope in the moment.

It almost always turns out those parts that drive you to eatโ€”the parts you probably don't like very much at allโ€”are actually trying to help you.

Connecting with different inner parts creates the opportunity to understand what's behind an eating pattern that you're desperate to change.

Parts can then be given the support they needโ€”and even long forโ€”so they can heal and move forward in a new way.

Getting to know a part is a type of internal dialogueโ€”similar to the thoughts that race around our minds all the time, but with greater structure and intention.

It involves moving closer to an inner emotion, action or reaction to understand it better.

Have you ever basked in how good it feels to be able to share your genuine experience without the fear of judgement or someone talking over you? It feels wonderful to be acknowledged and listened to.

Different parts within you feel exactly the same. They love to be listened to, understood and validated. And, just like people, if they're given space to feel heard, they begin to relax a little.

As this connection continues and a part feels supported, it's able to pull back from a harmful or hurtful behaviour.

That's when a reliance on food (for reasons other than to fuel the body) can ease and the bingeing or overeating stops.

If all this sounds a bit too out-there, you might be interested to know the IFS approach was developed by the renowned clinician and family therapist, Dr. Richard Schwartz.

IFS is backed up by on-going clinical trials and peer-reviewed academic papers. It's been found to help with a broad range of issues from addiction, anorexia and arthritis, to trauma, troubled relationships and rock-bottom self-worth.

If you'd like to hear more from Dr. Schwartz and hear IFS in action, check out his brilliant conversation with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee on the Feel Better, Live More podcast, episode #244, This Therapy Changed My Life And It Could Do The Same For You: Internal Family Systems with Dr Richard Schwartz.

In Summary

When you're repeatedly doing something that brings you down (like binge eating), there's always aย reason behind it.


Part of you is trying to prevent or reduce the impact of aย vulnerabilityย or hurt, even one that relates to a time much earlier in your life.


As you connect withย different partsย within and offer the support they need, you become freed from past cycles of painful reactions and behavioursโ€”like bingeing and overeatingโ€”and empowered to move toward your deepest desires and authentic self.

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